Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Give something back to your pets!

By offering our animal companions the benefits of energy balance healing, we give something back to our pets for all of the unconditional love and laughter they give to us.  Energy balance healing is gentle and can be done hands-on or from a distance. 

Energy balance can be used for all types of illness and problems.  It is especially soothing and comforting to animals that are nervous, fearful, in pain, having difficulty recovering from surgery, too afraid to be touched or moved, or if they are aggressive or wild.  All of these can be treated either in person or with distance healing. 

The healer is a transmitter of healing energy to animals who respond amazingly well and often faster than humans do.  Animals love receiving energy healing because it is gentle, nurturing, and it brings comfort to an animal in any situation and any type of crisis or stress.  Our pets understand healing energy and its benefits immediately and accept its rewards.  Many will actually come looking for it. 

During energy balance sessions, healing is channeled into the animal’s energy field to help them clear any blockages and maintain a good energetic flow.  Energy balance can be performed with or without touch and can be given to an animal in person or long distance.  Distance has no bearing on the strength or outcomes of the healing effects. 

Energy balance also helps animals heal on a causal level.  It is a powerful tool for healing emotional trauma, neglect, fear, abuse, and trust issues, bringing healing on the deepest level even in the most extremely affected beings.  Energy balance can help an animal feel more emotionally balanced in their current life situation, while also being helped from the past issues no matter how long ago the imbalance happened. 

For healthy animals, energy balance helps maintain good health and balance.  The healing abilities are limitless, and the results are an overall balance state of health, happiness, and inner harmony.  The most proactive approach to our animals' health is to encourage a healthy flowing energetic system and thereby keep energy blocks from forming in the first place.  

PRICE:  $35 per session   Call for an appointment:  218-844-3270

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New Website done at last!!

I became totally overwhelmed with all of the instructions sent by the techno-nerds to point a created website to my domain name energy-channels.com which I own.  To continue on my anti-stress campaign, I have given up and will let that domain remain in cyberspace until it expires.  So my business cards won't quite be accurate, but I do not care at this point.  
Now I have a successfully posted website with a new domain.  Take note it is exactly the same except for the dot net ending instead of dot com.  Take a peak and let me know if you like (feel free to Like me on the website like button).  
Here it is for energy-channels.net  http://www.energy-channels.net/
Thanks for your patience!  Technology assistant wanted!  LOL!  Jean

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Just Do It!!

During the recent Gem Remedy class I took from John Armitage, founder of Shamballa Multidimensional Healing, he gave us lots of awesome advice and comments.  I thought I would share a few with you.

Positive thinking and getting on with it, John states:  Everything is simple, easy.  Just let it flow.  Stand in your own power.  Open your heart.  Just do it!  Do not get stuck in a system.  Systems restrict.  They just give you a realization, and then you need to move forward on your own. There are no more excuses not to move forward.  No more I think I can.  Affirm strongly, I will, I will!  I can, I can!  Remember ego makes you nervous since it does not want to "look bad."  Let go of ego and just do it.  Do not disempower yourself by making excuses.  Affirm "I have ample abundance for my needs!  I am!  I can!  I will!

Pretty powerful and simple thoughts, don't you think??  I work on this every day.  Give it a try.  Remember we are all masters, and masters command!  You are in charge!  Go for it!

Namaste.  Jean

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

An Introduction to Energy Healing Modalities

Join us for a fun workshop to learn basic techniques to help yourself!
  • Ease Stress!
  • Energize & Rejuvenate!
  • Relieve Pain!
  • Sleep Better!
  • Improve your Memory!

Address these issues during the workshop and also experience:
The Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu self-help application, the Main Central Flow offered by Shauni Hekkanen
Brain Balance session offered by Jean Novacek

WHEN:  Saturday, October 15, 2011
TIME:  8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
COST:  $25

LOCATION:  Country Inn & Suites Meeting Room, 1330 Hwy. 10 East, Detroit Lakes, MN

Jean, Certified Shamballa Multidimensional Healing Practitioner, Energy Channels
Shauni, Certified Jin Shin Jyutstu Practitioner & Self-Help Educator, Flaming Pearl Studio

TO REGISTER CONTACT:  218-844-3270 or jean@energy-channels.com

Sunday, October 2, 2011

More about The LightStream

Check out more info on the meditations and brainwave products my friends have to offer.  I really recommend them and use them myself.  If the enclosure link does not work.  Here is the link again:  http://www.thelightstream.org/mates/jmnovacek

Friday, September 30, 2011


WHAT IS ENERGY BALANCE?  A gentle means to realign the body's electrical system for healing, balance, and improved well being.


  • Ease Stress.
  • Energize and Rejuvenate. 
  • Relieve Pain. 
  • Improve Memory & Mental Acuity.
  • Sleep Better.
  • Improve Health. 
Check out this treatment modality.  You will be glad you did! 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's Official!

Got my sign added to the Business Incubator board at Minnesota State campus!  Woohoo! 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

2011 Lakes Area Fall Vendor Blender

Don't forget to join me and all the other awesome vendors at the Vendor Blender, September 30, 2011, at the Holiday Inn in Detroit Lakes!  Lots of door prizes!  Stop by the Energy Channels booth to register for my door prize offer.  Pickup a coupon for FREE 15-minute trial offer of energy balancing!  See you there!

Welcome to my new website!

I am excited to announce that I am now the commander of my own domain so to speak!  My new website/blog is a work in progress, but at last you can find me on Energy-Channels.com!  I am devoting the entire day today creating the basic website.  Tweaking will commence as soon as possible!